

弁護士 髙橋健




今、帰国の途のフライトの中で、このコラムを書いています。当然、JET STREAMを聴きながら・・。




今回の出張のメインイベントは、現地の弁護士の先生方と共同で行った、“Australia-Japan Cross-Border Employment – Legal Issues in a Mobilised Workforce”と題するセミナーです。




今回は、Australia-Japan Society of NSWというオーストラリア・ニューサウスウェールズ州(主にはシドニー)の日豪をつなぐ団体主催のセミナーでした。















■Case: Individuals residing in Australia work remotely for Japanese companies.



⇒From the perspective of Japanese law, I will briefly outline the potential legal issues that may arise in Japan when Japanese companies employ workers residing in Australia to work remotely.



(2)Applicable Law -適用法の問題-


■Act on General Rules for Application of Laws (Act No. 10 of 1898)


☑ First Step:

Whether or not parties agreed on the governing law at the time of entering into the employment contract (Article 7).


⇒If parties agree on the governing law, it applies to the employment contract.


NOTE: There is an exception.

⇒If the governing law is not the law that is most closely connected to the employment contract (“最密接関係地法”), employees may assert the application of specific mandatory provisions within the law of the closest connection.


■What is the law that is most closely connected to the employment contract (“最密接関係地法”)?


⇒The law of the place where the work should be provided under the employment contract (“労務提供地法”) is presumed to be the labor law that is most closely connected to the employment contract.


■What are specific mandatory provisions?



・Minimum Wage (Minimum Wage Act)

・Restrictions on the Dismissal of Workers (Labor Standards Act Article 19, Labor Contracts Act Article 16)


☑ Second Step:

If parties do not agree on the governing law, the law of the place where the work should be provided under the employment contract (“労務提供地法”) applies to the employment contract.




■Agree on the governing law:

⇒The agreed law + Specific mandatory provisions in “労務提供地法”.


■Not agree on the governing law:






合意があった場合は、推定規定であるため、場合によってはこれと異なる結論はあり得るものの、合意された準拠法+労務提供地法(本件であればオーストラリアのFair Work Act等)の強行規定、となります。




(3)Jurisdiction – 裁判管轄の問題 –


If a dispute arises between a Japanese company and a worker residing in Australia, which country’s jurisdiction will apply?


⇒ In other words, when can a Japanese court accept labor cases in accordance with Japanese law?


⇒ Act on Code of Civil Procedure(Act No. 109 of 1996)


☑ First Step:

Whether or not parties agreed on (Article 3-7.1).


⇒If a company and an employee agree that the Japanese court has jurisdiction, the following conditions must be satisfied:


◆Requirement 1: Written agreement or emailed agreement (Article 3-7.2 and 3)


◆Requirement 2: (Article 3-7.6)

* the agreement was made at the time an employment contract ends, and the Japanese court where the work was being provided as of that; or

* the agreement was made before an employment contract ends, and the worker files an action with the Japanese court based on the agreement or the company files an action with the Japanese court and the worker responds to the company’s action (invokes said agreement).



If the agreement on jurisdiction fulfills above requirements, it does not mean exclusive jurisdiction.


For example:

The agreed jurisdiction is Japan, but an employee provided work both in Australia and Japan (ex. regularly goes back and forth between Japan and Australia to work).

⇒ Both countries are likely to be seen as places of labor provision.

⇒ In this case, there is a possibility that if the employee files a lawsuit in Australian court, the company cannot claim to refuse it due to out-of-jurisdiction because the agreement on jurisdiction is not exclusive.


☑ Second Step:

If there is no agreement on jurisdiction, the following courts of place mainly have jurisdiction over employment contracts:


  • Place(s) of labor provision.
  • Place of defendant’s domicile (if a defendant is a company, it means principal office or business office).













2.その他の余談(Cho Cho San、Martin Place)


今回も、毎度ながら、観光地にはどこにも行けず、オペラハウスすら電車に乗りながらチラ見できた程度に終わってしまいましたが、しっかりCho Cho San(レストラン)には視察に行ってまいりました(Cho Cho Sanの詳細は、こちらをご参照)。







我らがMartin Placeの駅ビルも、相変わらず工事中でしたが、今年中には完成するとのこと・・。








【弁護士 高橋 健/ Lawyer Ken Takahashi】


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